Creating element models in Physical Science today!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Congratulations to MUHS Soccer Seniors! Tonight is spent celebrating their hard work over the past four years! Pictured below: Kyle Baldasare, Shane Ullery, Joel Benkert, Lukas Knight, Paul Lucente, Landon Bechtel, and Nick Devlin.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Celebrating Tennis Senior Night! Congratulations to Paige Barnes, Avalynn Barton, Amelia Black, and Taylor Falb for a wonderful tennis career at MUHS!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Great evening at Volleyball! The team was cheered on by a VERY enthusiastic student section tonight!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Parent/teacher conferences are tomorrow from 3:00-6:30pm. Teachers will be available to meet to discuss current grades and general progress in classes. If you prefer not to meet in-person, please email your child's teacher directly to arrange a phone conference. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Congratulations to the MUHS Golf Team on an UNDEFEATED season in the TRC! Go Bulldogs!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Congratulations to our Senior Golfers on a fantastic career playing for MUHS!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
This morning, the district has been unable to make outgoing or receive incoming calls. Frontier has been contacted for technical support. We will provide an update when the issue is corrected. The district has other means of emergency communication if necessary. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
This morning, the district has been unable to make outgoing or receive incoming calls. Frontier has been contacted for technical support. We will provide an update when the issue is corrected. The district has other means of emergency communication if necessary. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUHS Picture Day is Sept. 20. CTC students can have their picture taken before getting on the bus. Picture packets were distributed. Extra copies are in the office. Sept. 20 is the first day of Homecoming Spirit Week. The theme for the day is "Picture Day" to encourage students to dress their best!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
The MUHS Homecoming Dance is scheduled for Saturday, September 25 from 8pm-11pm. See the picture for details on picture packages available. MUHS is allowing outside guests to attend. Outside guests forms can be picked up in the main office. Tickets are available for purchase during lunch and are $10/each. CTC/CCP students can purchase tickets from Mrs. Davis Tuesday-Friday after school this week until 3:30pm. Please email Mrs. Davis if other arrangements need to be made.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
A beautiful night to see many of our student-athletes in action tonight! Great teamwork from all! Proud of our Bulldogs!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Much thanks to all of the people "behind the scenes" who support our athletics and extra-curricular events! So much effort goes into each event to make them run smoothly (score-keepers, announcers, concessions, etc). Here's a peak at a few of our many, many volunteers!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Great spirit today for the MU vs. Oakwood FB game tonight! Keep the energy up!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Congratulations to Nathan Thompson who just aced the third hole at Echo Hills from 120 yards with a pitching wedge! Submitted by Coach Barnes
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Great win for JV Soccer! 4-0
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
The following message is from Milton-Union High School and for the parents/guardians of seniors: Meningitis shot records are past due. These were due before school started. A shot record MUST be turned in the office by Wednesday, September 15th for you to remain at school and any activities/sports. Any absences related to this will be unexcused after that date. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Score 0-0 at the half at Girls Soccer this afternoon! Go Bulldogs!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
Big night for the MUHS Bulldogs! Tough competition vs. Valley View, but the Bulldogs came out with a WIN! Huge congratulations to Coach Pearce for his 100th win! Great job!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau
This message is from Milton-Union High School and members of the Class of 2022: Please follow the link below for information on ordering caps, gowns, graduation announcements, etc. from Jostens: Also, if you would like to be featured in the yearbook and on the official class composite, all seniors need to call Expressions Studio at 937-836-3288 to schedule an appointment for a headshot. Please contact with any questions. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Jessica Mumau