Good evening, Bulldog Families, it is time for your weekly update.
Monday, September 6th is Labor Day. There is no school on Monday.
Tuesday September 7th is our Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kick Off. We will be selling Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies and other treats beginning Tuesday, September 7th through Tuesday, September 21st. The goodies will be delivered on November 9th and will be here just in time for your holiday baking. More information will be sent home with your child on Tuesday and I will follow up that evening with more information. Any support you can give to our school is greatly appreciated.
A quick message for parents who pick their children up in the car rider line in the afternoon: please do not arrive prior to 2:45 to start lining up for pick-up. The middle and high school use the same area for their pick-up and if elementary parents are parked in the lane the middle and high school parents get blocked in causing a traffic issue. Thank you for your help with this.
Have a wonderful, long weekend.