Good evening Bulldog Families, this is Principal Henderson and this is your weekly update. Thank you to all the students, parents, and staff for a great start to a new school year. I has been wonderful to have students back in the building.
The Miami County Traveling Smiles Dental Clinic will be at Milton-Union and starting to see students who have permission forms returned during school next week. If you would like your child to be seen by the Dental Clinic, please contact your child’s teacher for an information and permission packet and they will send one home.
Mark your calendar for September 22nd. It is Fall Picture Day for our in-person learners. Picture packet envelopes will be sent home next Tuesday. Please contact your child’s teacher if one is not brought home. Envelopes are not to be sent back to school until picture day. All students will have their picture taken for the yearbook whether they purchased a picture package or not. Remote learners will have a separate time to have pictures taken.
Enjoy your weekend and thank you again for a great week.