Good evening Bulldog Families, it is time for your weekly update.
Grade cards will be coming home with your child today. Please make sure you check your child’s folder for them.
Spring break is next week and there is no school.
Students return to school on Monday the 10th.
Monday the 10th, Mrs. Barker’s and R. Yount’s 4th grade classes will take a field trip Charleston Falls.
Tuesday the 11th, Mrs. Lane Ms. Puderbaugh’s class will take a field trip to Charleston Falls
Thursday the 13th is Spring Picture Retake Day. If your child is having their Spring Pictures redone, please send in the portrait packet and the photos you wish retaken on Thursday with instructions for the photographer of what needs to be changed.
Future dates to be aware of: Whole grade ELA State Testing will be on the mornings of April 18th and 20th.
Be safe and enjoy spring break.